If you’re thinking of painting the exterior of your home, use a paint that is specifically for exterior walls. The material on the outside of your home should determine the type of paint you use. Painting on house exteriors is not a one size fits all option. There are certain types of paint that work best with particular materials on the exterior of your home. Choosing the wrong type of paint could result in the paint not working as well as it should or fading sooner than it should. That’s where our Qualified Paint Consultants come in at our Paint Departments in Letterkenny and Ballybofey. Before you start your project call in and get the best advice from our team!
Here at Foy & Company, we are committed to providing you with the best quality paint in the market. Our brands include the Fleetwood Weather Clad Exterior Collection, Dulux weather Shield and Colourtrend to name but a few.
You can also call us : Ballybofey Paint Department : +353 (0)74 91 34444 - Letterkenny Paint Department: +353 (0) 74 91 21925 or Email: info@foys.ie. You can also visit us or shop online at www.foys.ie. We offer a Nationwide Delivery Service.
Foy & Company - Providing Quality Exterior Paints to The North West for Over 40 Years