Sanderson Wool Rug Collection

Sanderson Wool Rug Collection

Welcome to the Sanderson Wool Rug Collection! Sanderson, the iconic British interiors brand, has partnered with Dutch rug expert Brink & Campman to bring you a range of luxurious wool rugs that are sure to elevate your home decor.

These rugs showcase the best of Sanderson's extensive catalogue of time-tested quintessentially English designs, ensuring that your rug will have a lasting quality and timeless style. From bold florals to intricate paisley patterns, there is a rug to suit every taste and preference.

Our neutral styles are perfect for those who prefer a more understated look, while our florals and paisleys add a pop of color and whimsy to any room. Made with the finest quality wool, these rugs are not only beautiful but also durable and long-lasting.

Investing in a Sanderson Wool Rug means investing in the heritage and tradition of two esteemed brands. Don't settle for anything less than the best for your home. Shop the Sanderson Wool Rug Collection today and bring the timeless elegance of English design into your home.

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