Laura Ashley Rug Collection

Laura Ashley Rug Collection

Laura Ashley

Introducing the Laura Ashley Rug Collection  - a range of lavishly ornate rugs that embody the quintessential English charm and romanticism that Laura Ashley is known for. Featuring the brand's signature floral style prints, these rugs are perfect for adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to any room.

Drawing inspiration from the Victorian era, the Laura Ashley Rug Collection showcases intricate designs and patterns that are both timeless and contemporary. From soft pastel hues to bold and vibrant colours, these rugs are sure to complement any decor style and colour scheme.

The collection is a celebration of the 'Laura Ashley woman' - a symbol of classic English country style and grace. Her love for long, flowy and floral cotton dresses is reflected in the delicate and intricate floral motifs that adorn these rugs. Whether you're looking to create a cosy and inviting space or add a touch of sophistication to your home, the Laura Ashley Rug Collection has something for everyone.