Goa Wool Rug Collection

Goa Wool Rug Collection

Welcome to our collection of natural flatweave rugs with a hand-knotted look. Our Goa rugs are crafted in Belgium using a blend of New Zealand wool for comfort and British wool for strength and durability. Each rug is carefully crafted with a unique handmade look finish on the edges, adding an extra touch of style to your home decor.

Our Goa rugs feature earthy organic colors that provide a warm and inviting feel to any room. The substantial non-slip backing ensures that the rug stays securely in place, even in high traffic areas.

Whether you're looking to add comfort to your living room, style to your dining area, or warmth to your bedroom, our collection of natural flatweave rugs offers a range of options to suit your needs. With a variety of sizes and colors to choose from, our Goa rugs are the perfect addition to any home.

At our store, we take pride in offering only the highest quality products at affordable prices. With our commitment to customer satisfaction, you can trust that you'll receive a rug that meets your expectations and exceeds your standards. Shop our collection of natural flatweave rugs with a hand-knotted look today and discover the perfect rug for your home.